Thursday, 24 December 2015

The Way_The Truth_and The Life

Joh 14:6  "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me"

There can only be ONE truth. There is ONE way, and there is only ONE life worth having. Jesus is THE way, not a way, He isn't trying to be one of the ways, He is THE truth, not a version of it, not a parallel with the other truths, he embodies all that is true, and finally He is THE life, there is no greater form of life, there is no life more potent, no life to substitute Him and no life form that can overwhelm or subjugate His life.

Jesus Alone! For it pleased the Father that in Him all fullness should dwell (Col 1v19). He came that we may desist from all the other endeavors that men was engaged in in pursuit of salvation. For indeed there was a glory even in the Law given to Moses on the mountain, but even that Law couldn't compare to the glory that was embodied by Christ (2 Cor 3 v 11 - 18) For the Law came through Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus (John 1 v17). In that the disciple uses "but" he is attempting to separate the work of the Mosaic Law from the dispensation that Christ brought in. This one that we live in is a New Covenant between God and man, one in which our hope now is built on nothing less than Christ alone. All our study of the Old Testament (OT) is fruitless if we do not see the face of Christ and all that he espoused. All lessons we draw should be consistent with that one truth that is Christ, and promote that one life, and lead us in that one way.

Paul makes a radical statement in addressing the Galatians who were being persuaded to get circumcised, he tells them that Christ doesn't profit them if they attempt to add any other observances as part of their salvation (Gal 5v2). Our transformation is by looking at Him, nothing else! He is the revelation of God's ultimate plan for man, for he was sacrificed "once for all", that all who would come by Him would in no wise be cast away.

There are those who have added their own qualifications for salvation and pleasing God. In their pursuit of these extra qualifications they have found a humanly reason to boast. You hear words like "we have kept this and observed that, hence we will see God". But like Paul said to the Ephesians, our salvation is found in appropriating grace through faith, and that not of ourselves lest we should boast (Eph 2 v 8). This grace didn't come by law neither by any work of the law can it be found. All that we see in the OT is a shadow, pointing at Christ. After the reality has come there is no longer need that one chases after the shadows and the types (Col 2 v 17).

There is no greater prize than to know Him as He is revealed to us in the NT, to see the very substance of what the prophets longed to see. To see Him walk and radically shift the pharisaic interpretations which had the form of godliness but denied the very essence of God and that essence is love. To see Him take up the sick and cleanse them, and then make bold statements to say that those that merely believed on Him would do the same and greater would they do...and that in this life! It boggles the mortal mind to imagine such compassion as Jesus demonstrated, such mercy, such principle. It is that ONE man who Himself pleased God till He was given the name above every name. The ONLY name by which men may be saved. 

Act 4:10 "be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that through the name of Jesus the Anointed, the Nazarene, whom *you* crucified, but whom *God* has raised from among the dead-- through that name this man stands here before you in perfect health" This is that life that causes the paralytics to walk and be in perfect health. WNT

Amazing how the exercise of authority in the name of Jesus left this man perfectly healthy. Not a prayer, not a vigil and candles lit in Jesus' name, not even a week of pleading and hoping. But that is a story for another time. I trust that this Christmas shall be a time when you choose the only way, realize the only truth and partake of the only Life worth having.

Yours in His Royal Service

George Mwamlowe

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