Php 2:22 But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel. (Paul of Timothy)
Tit 1:4 To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.
1Ti 1:2 Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
1Ti 1:18 This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;
2Ti 1:2 To Timothy, my dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
2Ti 2:1 Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus
Pro 30:11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.
The issue of fathers in the body is a burning one in our generation. We find that there is a meteoric rise in those who are being addressed as "Father, Dad, Papa, etc..". On the other hand, we find more and more believers who are crying out against this phenomenon claiming abuses by those being addressed as such. This article is not written in vindication of any who are in abuse of their authority, neither is it written to justify those who are in rebellion to rightful authority.
In the great rebuke in Matt 23, Jesus addressed a similar situation, wherein the scribes and pharisees were holding their offices to no good in the worship of God. The religious system had degenerated to such an appalling state that those in authority were lording it over those who were "followers". The state of affairs had become such that they were teaching erroneously, and all of this to entrench their rule over the poor Israelites, who in most cases had to be subject by law to those who held the "seat of Moses". Jesus in a heated rebuke, told his disciples and the crowd that was listening not to call any of them Rabi or Father, for "they"(his followers) had only one Father, one Master, only one to whom they were ultimately accountable to and therefore should hold in such high esteem.
I give this background because it is important to know the context so that the interpretation of the whole counsel of scripture becomes clear. I have seen an ever increasing trend in the body of Christ which is threatening the growth of the entire body, and the longevity of it's fundamentals. This debilitating syndrome is the "doctrinal extremity" syndrome. I define it as: that application of a scripture as doctrine without the consideration of other corresponding and equally authoritative scriptures. Matt 18:16 states a fundamental precedent for the drawing up of doctrine. In the mouth of two or three witnesses is a matter established. Nothing is established without scriptural "triangulation" for every Word of God is inspired.
In John 2, John the beloved acknowledges the occurrence of 3 types of Christians i.e fathers, sons, and children. This is an indicator of how our lives should progress, there is the babyhood stage wherein we find everyone who gets born again. These should rightly be dependent on those who are sons and Fathers. Simple logic will tell us why this is so. The Sons are the more responsible ones, they have fought some battles and won. They have gone through some schooling and they have a grasp of doctrinal construction and truths. When speaking naturally, a home can be left periodically in the care of a son. The children can also be left in the care of sons. It is this stage which can make or break a Christian but I will expound below. Lastly we have Fathers. These are the ones that have a mature revelation of God and His ways. Undeniably there is a time factor in this scenario, for God cannot be fathomed in an instant. I will however be quick to say that maturity in the word and the ways of God is the only yardstick for growth in Christ and in the faith. To learn His ways requires training in obedience. It requires not just the winning of one fight nor the understanding of some truths, it requires the grasping of the meat of the faith. Fathers have not only grown up but they have begotten others and are growing or have grown others.
In my humble observations I have noted that the falling away is largely in the bracket of sons. Sons are curious, they are presumptuous because they know certain truths for themselves. Sons have heard from God and believe they have heard the final story. To be a Son places you in a position where you can discern the truth without constant aid, which means you can see the faults of the fathers. Unfortunately until Jesus comes and perfects all, faults will be the reminder that we are still present in the body. The true test of a son naturally is to see the fault of a father and not rally a coup for the unseating of the father. The test of a son naturally is to be submitted and respectful to a father who is not right in all aspects. In the faith we find that those who are fathers suffer coups of the most magnanimous orders. As a son, I have seen the loss of brothers who could not stand to "suffer" under a father. They interpreted chastising as abuse, interpreted mistakes as the apocalypse of relationships and selfishly sought the way that aligned to their "present" convictions.
Paul spoke of Timothy as His son. He spoke of Titus as His son. He continued teaching and grooming Timothy even after he had left a Church to him. I see in these relationships something healthy for the body of Christ. it is nothing of the manner that Jesus had to deal with and to rebuke. Paul was responsible for the growth of Timothy and Titus. He lovingly corrected and instructed them. The "sons" took what their "father" taught and taught it to others. They served under Paul and doubtlessly saw the man for who he really was apart from the fiery preaching and miraculous signs. For you cannot spend any considerable length of time with a man and not see his failings I assume they both saw Paul's weaknesses. In this present day we increasingly find those that cannot learn from the fathers. They are quick to break relationships with fathers. Constantly exposing the faults of their fathers, constantly profiling their own "revelations" and how they are "better" than what their fathers saw. The older I grow the more I realize the need of fathers in the house. I don't see the infallibility of fathers but I see the necessity. I see the lack of genuine fathers too, but I see the few who are earnestly trying being vilified and hung out to dry.
When your years are few and wisdom is lacking, you begin to believe that you can handle your fathers burden better, unfortunately time will tell you that you are not so strong, so faultless, so infallible. True wisdom is to learn from the father, see his mistakes, pray for him and cover him e.g the sons of Noah.(Gen 9) True wisdom and maturity in the son is to see what can be improved and reason with the father in humility. We could halve the problems in Christianity if sons wore meekness and put on patience. For one day the son shall of necessity have to take up the fathers role and God-forbid he finds himself with sons such as he. Paul in Titus 2 exhorts sons to be sober minded, for sobriety is indeed the most lacking and most needful in this bracket of sons.
This article is not meant to be balanced between the failings of sons and that of fathers. It is but an excerpt that deals with the one half of the equation. It is written to brothers because the rebuke of fathers is left to other fathers. I am not fit for such a task for I shall rebuke what I in time will find myself choosing to do as a matter of wisdom. This is not to say there are no miscreants, and utterly malicious men who masquerade as fathers. Whose heart is not for the sheep but who are clothed in malice. These being reprobate in mind I as a son in the faith of God would not hesitate to call out as Paul did. Albeit this article is meant for those who are genuine brethren, brothers and sisters who don't realize the danger that they are in for their attack on fathers. For God is a God of order.
This article is written with a burdened heart for the ails in the body of Christ. A cry for the heart of the sons to return to the fathers. For some, repentance and reconciliation is needed. The softening of hearts that were bruised in some cases. In the end I trust we will see the necessity of building with the kingdom in mind, for the strength of the family lies in unity.
In His Royal Service
George Mwamlowe
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