Psa 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
Rom 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Rom 8:17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
Reading the Word of God we find that the issues of inheritance played a very pivotal role in Jewish culture, much as they do in many cultures around the world. It is no wonder then that God used this crucial issue to deal with us about his promises. The inheritance is important because it speaks of two things; i.e Relationship and Identity. You cannot inherit outside of relationship. Any inheritance will link you to a direct identity of lineage.
Looking at Psalm 2, I find that this scripture is often misapplied by the generality especially in Charismatic circles. As the old idiom says, if you don't understand the purpose for a thing, you will inevitably abuse it. This is one of the Messianic psalms. It is Father God talking to His Son, a direct statement seen again in Matt3v17. He then promises to give the Son, "the heathen" as an inheritance and the ends of the earth as well. This is important to note because there is a reason why the Father wants this to happen and without that reason we cannot begin to understand this promise. It wasn't a promise to just ensure that Jesus gets the earth in order for him to be rich. Far from it! The Father wants the heathen back in fellowship with him.
The Primary mission that Jesus had was to win an inheritance of souls. The central mission on the heart of God has always been to regain fellowship with men in their numbers. How are we then involved in all this? Good question. Rom8:16 and 17 makes it clear that for everyone who has been regenerated by the Holy Spirit i.e born again, this person is a child of God. Herein is the 1st requirement for inheritance fulfilled.
Col_1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
It is the awesome reality for a believer that he is not just forgiven by a Sovereign and Supreme "Being" who is far away. We are recreated after the image of the 2nd Adam, into fellowship with God Almighty! Hallelujah!!(1Cor 15v45-). It is this truth that is borne witness to by the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. It doesn't stop there implication being a part of those recreated after Christ means that we become candidates for the inheritance according to Rom 8:17. While many may fight to be the heir of their earthly fathers riches, it should not be so for a Christian. Our eyes are to be set on what is in store for us by virtue of divine son-ship.
We become joint in ownership of all that was bequeathed to Christ by God Himself! What was the Chief of Christ's inheritance? It's the heathens, not money, not houses, not national influence. It was the promise of brothers! This is key to understanding the heart of God. Otherwise we become like the foolish prodigal son who spent his inheritance on riotous living. Not understanding that there is a mission field ahead we can become consumed in a worldly standard of prosperity. Just as Christ knocked on our hearts we should carry the message of hope to the heathens. We need to know that these have been promised by God Himself. That's the boldness that should garrison our hearts when we see unbelievers! We preach the gospel with boldness to those that we know God has given us already! When they come in they become co heirs with us. We will suffer the same as Christ suffered in this mission, no doubt about it. men won't understand at times, men will persecute us for our stance, they will marginalize us but we will be victorious nonetheless! For this is what God promised us.
The 2nd part of the inheritance in Ps 2 is interesting when we study it carefully. God promised the uttermost parts of the earth to Christ for a possession. This makes it abundantly clear to me that the promise to Jesus was not just for soul saving but for dominion "AS WELL". I would like to put it to you that if we can get the order of the inheritance right we will in no wise fail to realize the blessing of God in supplying for our needs. There is no glory to God for possessing the nations if the heathen therein are not won. God knows that evangelism needs money, which is why for those that are truly winning souls to the kingdom, money is there in abundance to satisfy the needs.
Act_4:34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,
If we are to alleviate poverty within the body of Christ we need to begin to have a kingdom centered focus. We need to build up ourselves as spiritual stalwarts for the kingdom, willing to lose everything for Christs glory, knowing that we can't lose after all. For to live is Christ and to die is gain. Let's get back to the right hinges for operating in godly prosperity. Lets be liberal in our alms, liberal in supporting the work of Christ, for indeed the ox will not be muzzled as it treads out the grain. Our portion is there in sufficiency.
This is just the first part of the teaching on living in the inheritance, but it is the most integral part. We will endeavor, God allowing, to look at "The name of Jesus and growing in son-ship in the coming posts for it is truly amazing the things that we are given in the New testament to equip us on the journey. But until then keep walking in the The Inheritance!
In His Royal Service
George Mwamlowe
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